The council pinned a notice on the “Democracy Tree” late yesterday evening, informing the “owner” of the plaque to remove the monument within 24 hours before it gets destroyed.
Pakatan Rakyat has chosen to laugh at the council’s method of serving the notice to the tree instead of to an individual however, and said that it would ignore the notice.
“None of us, not one person from any PR party, received the notice.
“The notice was addressed to the owner of the plaque and yet the council served it to the tree, as if the tree owns the plaque.
“In that case, I guess they expect the tree to take heed of their notice and destroy the plaque,” joked Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming to reporters at a press conference today.
He said since no such notice had been given to any of the PR parties, nothing would be done about the plaque.
The notice claimed that the plaque, erected on a road reserve, was illegal because PR had not applied for a permit from the council.
It also said that the structure posed an obstruction to the public and hence contravened Section 46(1)(a) of the Road, Drainage and Building Ordinance 1974.
“It is true that we have to obtain permission from the council but since the council is now run by the Barisan Nasional, it is pointless for us to apply for such a permit,” said Nga.
He added that sources in the council had already informed him that the PR did not stand a chance of obtaining the permit.
“If they destroy the plaque, we will simply build a new one.
“In fact, if they destroy one, we will build two. If they destroy two, we will build four. They cannot stand in our way,” he said.
Meanwhile, earlier today a delegation of Cheras PKR division members paid a visit to the democracy tree.
The division’s Wanita wing contributed RM500 to the democracy plaque building fund and another RM500 to the Bukit Gantang election machinery.
Of course the PR would not stand a chance to obtain the permit for the installation of the plaque. Why would you let your enermy the platform to pursue their cause? UMNO already go to the great extend of denying the Speaker's rights, denying the entry of ADUN to attend assembly meeting, flirting the law with an expired/incapable UMNO judicial commissioner - all these to protect their illegitimate back door MB/EXCOs. It is just like the control of all the MSMs, opposition news are either drowned or in an unnoticeable corner, and being written in negative form.
Don't blame me for suggesting the following:
When PR takes back Perak, please fired all the heads and secretaries of the government agencies, replace them with professioanl individuals of calibre and independence, not the UMNO kissed-ups.
And, when PR takes the federal, please fired the top few people in PDRM, AG office, MACC, CofJ, EC, Ministry of Information / Dalam Negeri / Kewangan / Pertahanan, Bahagian Tatatertib / Penerangan / Tanah / etc.
Oh! By the time PR fired of all those UMNO kissed-ups, I would not mind to come interview for the position of Secretary to replace that Rahman guy. :)
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